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Everything You Need to Know About Astoria Coffee Machine Parts

February 14, 2024 5 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Astoria Coffee Machine Parts

Astoria is renowned for producing high-quality espresso machines that are used in cafes and coffee shops around the world. Understanding the components of these machines is essential for maintaining their performance and ensuring delicious coffee with every brew. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about Astoria coffee machine parts, from boilers to group heads and beyond.


Astoria coffee machines are beloved for their reliability and consistency in delivering exceptional espresso. To fully appreciate these machines, it's essential to have a thorough understanding of their various parts and components.

A. Overview of Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria has been a leading manufacturer of espresso machines since 1969, with a reputation for innovation and quality craftsmanship. Their machines are prized by baristas for their durability and performance.

B. Importance of Understanding Coffee Machine Parts

Knowing the intricacies of coffee machine parts allows baristas and coffee enthusiasts to troubleshoot issues, perform maintenance, and optimise brewing parameters for the best results.

The Boiler

The boiler is the heart of any espresso machine, responsible for heating water to the optimal temperature for brewing espresso.

A. Definition and Function

The boiler heats water to the precise temperature required for extracting espresso, typically between 195°F and 205°F (90°C and 96°C). It also maintains a consistent temperature to ensure brewing consistency.

B. Types of Boilers Used in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria coffee machines commonly use either single-boiler or dual-boiler systems. Single-boiler machines heat water for brewing and steaming sequentially, while dual-boiler machines have separate boilers for each function, allowing simultaneous brewing and steaming.

C. Importance of Boiler Maintenance

Regular boiler maintenance, including descaling and cleaning, is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and extending the lifespan of the machine. Neglecting boiler maintenance can lead to scale buildup, reduced efficiency, and potential damage to internal components.


The portafilter is the handle-like device that holds the coffee grounds during the brewing process.

A. Definition and Purpose

Portafilters play a crucial role in espresso extraction, providing a stable platform for tamping the coffee grounds and directing the flow of water through the espresso puck.

B. Types of Portafilters Used in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria offers a variety of portafilter options, including single and double spout portafilters, bottomless (naked) portafilters for visibility during extraction, and precision filter baskets for consistent shot volumes.

C. Proper Use and Maintenance Tips

Baristas should regularly clean and inspect portafilters for any signs of wear or damage, such as worn gaskets or loose handles. Properly dosing and distributing coffee grounds before tamping can also improve extraction quality and consistency.

Group Heads

The group head is the component that attaches the portafilter to the espresso machine and delivers hot water to the coffee grounds.

A. Explanation of Group Heads

Group heads regulate water flow and pressure during the brewing process, ensuring even extraction and consistent shot quality. Astoria machines typically feature E61 group heads, renowned for their thermal stability and reliability.

B. Different Types of Group Heads Found in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria offers a range of group head configurations to suit different machine models and brewing preferences. These may include standard group heads, pre-infusion group heads, and saturated group heads for increased temperature stability.

C. Importance of Group Head Maintenance

Regular group head maintenance, such as backflushing with detergent and replacing gaskets as needed, is essential for preventing buildup of coffee oils and residue that can affect flavour and performance.

Steam Wands

Steam wands are used for frothing milk to create specialty drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

A. Overview of Steam Wands

Steam wands produce steam at high pressure, which is used to heat and froth milk for espresso-based beverages. They come in various shapes and sizes, including traditional steam wands and auto-frothing systems.

B. Types of Steam Wands Used in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria offers steam wands with different features, such as articulating arms for easy positioning, insulated grips for safety, and multi-directional steam tips for precise milk texturing.

C. Cleaning and Care Instructions for Steam Wands

Proper cleaning and maintenance of steam wands are essential for preventing milk residue buildup, which can affect taste and hygiene. Baristas should purge steam wands before and after each use and wipe them clean with a damp cloth.


The pump is responsible for creating the pressure needed to extract espresso from the coffee grounds.

A. Role of the Pump in Espresso Machines

The pump pressurises water from the boiler and delivered it through the group head and portafilter at the desired pressure for optimal extraction. Astoria machines typically use vibratory pumps, known for their reliability and consistency.

B. Types of Pumps Found in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria offers a range of pump options to suit different machine models and usage requirements. These may include rotary vane pumps for high-volume applications and volumetric pumps for precise dosing.

C. Troubleshooting Pump Issues A. 

Common pump issues include low water pressure, noisy operation, and inconsistent flow. Baristas should regularly inspect and maintain pumps, including checking for leaks, replacing worn components, and lubricating moving parts as needed.


Coffee grinders are essential for freshly grinding coffee beans to the correct particle size for espresso extraction.

H3: A. Importance of Grinders in Espresso Preparation

Grinders play a crucial role in espresso quality, as the size and consistency of the coffee grounds directly affect extraction parameters such as flow rate and extraction time.

B. Types of Grinders Used in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria offers a range of grinders to suit different budgets and brewing preferences, from entry-level burr grinders to high-end commercial models with precision grinding capabilities.

C. Adjusting and Maintaining Coffee Grinders

Baristas should regularly calibrate and clean coffee grinders to ensure consistent grind quality and prevent flavour contamination. Proper storage of coffee beans and regular burr maintenance are also essential for grinder longevity.

Water Filtration System

Water quality is critical for brewing delicious espresso, and Astoria machines are equipped with advanced filtration systems to ensure optimal water purity.

A. Significance of Water Quality in Coffee Brewing

Water makes up the majority of an espresso shot, so its quality directly impacts flavour, aroma, and extraction efficiency. Proper filtration removes impurities and minerals that can affect taste and equipment performance.

B. Description of Water Filtration Systems in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria machines are typically equipped with multi-stage water filtration systems that remove chlorine, sediment, and other contaminants while balancing mineral content for optimal brewing conditions.

C. Importance of Regular Filter Replacement

Regular replacement of water filters is essential for maintaining water quality and protecting equipment from scale buildup and corrosion. Baristas should follow manufacturer recommendations for filter replacement intervals and monitor water quality regularly.

Electrical Components

Electrical components power and control various functions of Astoria coffee machines, ensuring consistent performance and safety.

A. Overview of Electrical Components in Astoria Coffee Machines

Astoria machines contain a range of electrical components, including heating elements, control boards, sensors, and switches, that work together to regulate temperature, pressure, and brewing parameters.

B. Common Electrical Parts and Their Functions

Key electrical components include the heating element, which heats water in the boiler, the PID controller, which regulates boiler temperature, and the brew switch, which activates the brewing process.

C. Safety Precautions for Handling Electrical Components

Baristas should follow proper safety protocols when handling electrical components, including unplugging machines before maintenance, avoiding water exposure, and using insulated tools when necessary.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the various parts of Astoria coffee machines is essential for maintaining their performance, ensuring consistent espresso quality, and prolonging their lifespan. By familiarising themselves with boiler, portafilter, group head, steam wand, pump, grinder, water filtration system, and electrical component maintenance, baristas can optimise brewing parameters and deliver exceptional coffee experiences to customers.

If you’re looking for high-quality coffee equipment and/or tools to help you brew the perfect coffee, contact Pesado today.

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